System-Wide Distribution Evaluation
Contracted by the City of Anadarko, Oklahoma, CEC performed a system-wide evaluation of their distribution system. This included things such as an inventory, creating a system map, a physical and electrical evaluation, and recommending and designing system improvements.
Using bluetooth sub-meter accuracy GPS devices, CEC inspectors inventoried the RUS standard and any equipment attached to the pole, and collected GPS locations for existing equipment. We then created an electrical map of Anadarko’s system and used it to evaluate its health, including load flow, short circuit analysis voltage drop study, and sectionalizing study.
Incorporating findings of both the physical and electrical evaluations, we designed projects to complete the recommended work using RUS Standards.
Anadarko, Oklahoma
Power Distribution Design, Remote Sensing
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Pole Loading Analysis in Texas
Our team performed Pole Loading Analysis on 1200 Xcel Energy poles in Texas.
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Fiber Analysis in Oklahoma
This project included physical in-field height measurements of all existing conductors and telecommunication lines, as well as LiDAR scanning.
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City Of Richardson 30-Inch Waterline
CEC provided Quality Level B Designating and Quality Level A Test Holes for the City of Richardson.
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