SH-9 Cleveland County
This project will improve SH-9 from 72nd Ave SE to 108th Ave. SE in Norman, a length of approximately 3 miles. The scope of the project is to improve safety and increase capacity by adding two additional through lanes and paved median to the existing two-lane highway, for a total roadway width of five-lanes. There are several utilities along this corridor and residential and commercial properties that will be impacted by the highway widening. The design of the improvements is based on AASHTO design criteria and is focused on minimizing impacts to utilities and properties adjacent to the highway by minimizing the right-of-way take as much as possible. There are several decorative entries and special fences that will be taken into consideration as part of the design. The highway will remain open to traffic for the duration of the project and access to both residential and commercial properties will be maintained during construction. The bridge-sized RCB at Jim Blue Creek will be reconstructed due to its deteriorated condition.
Design services provided by CEC included the NEPA Clearance, including a public meeting, and roadway and bridge design plans.
Norman, Oklahoma
Bridge Engineering and Inspection, Land Survey, Roadway Engineering, Streets and Stormwater, Traffic Engineering
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City Of Richardson 30-Inch Waterline
CEC provided Quality Level B Designating and Quality Level A Test Holes for the City of Richardson.
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US-75 Okmulgee Subsurface Utility Engineering
CEC’s Subsurface Utility Engineering team provided Quality Level B SUE services to electronically identify existing utilities.
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US-80 Mesquite Subsurface Utility Engineering Test Holes
CEC provided Quality Level A test holes to expose existing utilities at 10 locations along the US-80.
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