Bryant Avenue Intersection
CEC was selected by the City of Edmond to develop plans and specifications for the widening of the intersection of E. 2nd Street and S. Bryant Avenue. E. 2nd Street was widened to include dual left turn lanes and a dedicated right turn lane for both eastbound and westbound traffic. S. Bryant Avenue was widened to include dual left turn lanes and a dedicated right turn lane for both northbound and southbound traffic. Sidewalk and ADA improvements were designed for all four corners of the intersection. The project included the design of a proposed underground storm sewer system, the relocation of approximately 3,500 feet of waterline, and the relocation of approximately 1,800 feet of sanitary sewer line. The purpose of the project was to increase the capacity and improve traffic flow at one of the City of Edmond’s busiest intersections.
Edmond, Oklahoma
Civil Engineering, Land Survey, Remote Sensing, Streets and Stormwater, Traffic Engineering, Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection
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Pole Loading Analysis in Texas
Our team performed Pole Loading Analysis on 1200 Xcel Energy poles in Texas.
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Fiber Analysis in Oklahoma
This project included physical in-field height measurements of all existing conductors and telecommunication lines, as well as LiDAR scanning.
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City Of Richardson 30-Inch Waterline
CEC provided Quality Level B Designating and Quality Level A Test Holes for the City of Richardson.
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